Getting older - without depression by Erik Wibe is an insightful guide that offers practical advice and heartfelt reflections on the journey of aging. Drawing from his own experiences as a 90-year-old, Wibe tackles the challenges and opportunities of growing older, from finding suitable housing and maintaining social connections to embracing new technologies. This book serves as both a manual for those navigating the later stages of life and a source of wisdom for younger generations looking to understand what lies ahead. With warmth and clarity, Wibe reminds us that aging can be a time of joy, learning, and continued personal growth.
Title: Getting older
Subtitle: Without depression
Original Language Title: Å bli eldre
Genre: Life Advice
Language: Norwegian (Original) / English (Rights Available)
Publisher: Kolofon Forlag AS
ISBN: 9788230027745
Publication Date: August 2024
Copyright Year: 2024
Format: Paperback
Page size: 190x142
Edition: 1
Author Biography
Welcome to a book that is both a result of lived experience and a celebration of aging. I am now 91 years old, and my journey to this point has been filled with both joys and challenges. But above all, it has been an educational journey that I believe has given me a unique insight into what it means to grow older.
With this book, I wish to share my knowledge and experience to help others who are navigating this stage of life, as well as to give younger generations a glimpse of what awaits—hopefully, many years filled with wisdom, joy, and new opportunities. I also share stories from my life.
Some of the many stories you can read about include:
No One Sees Me
Rumors Are Not Facts
Soldier's Sleep
Anything Can Happen While Traveling
Don’t Smell Like an Old Man
Urination and Sex
Happy reading!
Erik Wibe, born in 1933, raised in Tromsø. Lives in Oslo. Lumberjack, tennis player, forest technician, author, factory owner, and businessman.